
July 12, 2013

Mrs. Martin

Well, I am happy to announce that I have married my prince charming.  On June 23 we tied the knot at Toccoa Falls.  We got married in front of one of the tallest waterfalls in the Eastern United States.  Our day was perfect.  The rain held off and the weather couldn't have been better.  We surrounded ourselves with about 120 of our closest friends and family.

My dad walked me down the aisle.  He helped me fight back the tears. 

We began our marriage with prayer.  
Kissy kissy!

Mr. and Mrs. Martin

We honeymooned in North Myrtle Beach.  Jeffery and his fair skin couldn't hardly handle that much sun.  After 2 days on the beach, he was done!

Our situation is a little different than most newlyweds.  Jeffery is stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii.  We will spend our first 2.5 years of marriage seeing each other when we have the money to buy a plane ticket and when he has leave days and I have a break from school.  We have been apart for almost 2 weeks now.  Sometimes the loneliness is almost unbearable, but I am always reminded that this time apart will be well worth it eventually.  I would rather have to be thousands of miles apart than to not have him at all.

January 9, 2013

My Prince Charming

You know that kind of love that you see in movies and sometimes you think couldn't possibly exist in real life?  Well it can!  After about one month of dating my fiancé, I was pretty sure that he was the one.    There was just something about him that I had never seen in anyone else that was so special.  We fell in love with each other in the time that it takes for most people to tie their shoe! Within the past 6 months of our relationship, a lot of things have changed.  I moved to Memphis.  He joined the army and is currently in Missouri. We only get to talk to each other for 20 minutes a week, if we're lucky.  And we have fallen in love with each other in a way that is unexplainable.
I have always heard the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and having been in a long distance relationship previously, I did not find the statement to be true.  But this time it is different.  Being apart has made me realize how much I need this man in my life.  He is my rock.  I cannot imagine a life without him.
  This man is special because he has always put my needs and feelings first.  He makes me feel protected and safe.  He makes me laugh and smile uncontrollably.  He makes me feel sexy.  He makes me a better me.

Sweet nothings from my fiancé...

These are the reasons he loves me:
"I love your smile that you do when your tongue is behind your teeth. I love how you're so class but yet you spit like a man.  I love how you like to do crafty things and get dirty doing it.  I love how you love to ride the four-wheeler which I never thought was possible.  I love the way you hold me tight when we go fast (on the four-wheeler, people).  I love how you kiss my ear and it puts me in a trance like no other." September 9, 2012

His Facebook post a few days after our engagement:
"Love every minute we are together, miss every second we are apart, but one day we will have everyday with each other. I'm ready for that day to start now." December 27, 2012

After boarding the plane to head back to Fort Leonard Wood:
"I love you doesn't even express how I feel about you. There are no words that can be said to tell you how much I feel, how much I care, and can't wait to be with you forever." January 3, 2013

We all deserve a man like this.


You see this guy right here...

I'm going to marry him!

October 24, 2012

My Soldier


Last Tuesday, my boyfriend left for basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.  I received my first letter from him today and I was completely overjoyed!  It took a couple of days for me to realize that he is actually gone and I can't just pick up the phone and call him when I want to talk.  Within just this week, it has become so obvious to me how much I love this guy and need him in my life, and based on his letter he has realized the same thing. I thank God for placing such a wonderful person in my life.  He is strong willed, kind, funny, and insanely handsome.  I have been blessed beyond measure.  Our future is in God's hands.

September 2, 2012

The Beginning

I've made it through my first week in Memphis!  School starts in only 2 days.  I can't decide if I'm excited or scared to death (I guess it's a mixture of both) but I am definitely ready to get started.  Today I attended the Island Community Church only 3 miles from my apartment.  I had no idea what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised.  There were about 100 people in attendance, the music was excellent and uplifting, the message was extremely relevant, and I met a few new people that will also be attending SCO.  I am planning on attending ICC every Sunday and hopefully even get involved in their music ministry at some point.  I am even hoping to get an electric piano in my apartment so that I can continue playing the piano.  I am so scared that I'm going to forget how to play!  
So far, everything is really looking good.  I know that the next four years are going to be the toughest yet, but I am ready.  With good Christian friends and a church here that I feel will support me and eventually feel like family, I know that I can do this.  

"The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again

Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes."

May 9, 2012

A New Respect

Only a week and a half ago, I became a waitress.  I honestly thought this job would be easy.  I expected to get great tips and the hardest part of my job would be carrying several glasses at one time.  Boy was I wrong.  I now have a new respect for waitresses.  The job is hard.  Next time you go out to eat, don't complain if your drink isn't refilled every five minutes.  Don't have a hissy fit if your burger isn't perfectly pink in the center.  Be nice.  And tip good.  $2.13 an hour is crap.  Leaving a $1.00 tip when you sat at the table for an hour is even crappier.

April 11, 2012

Start your day off light

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Well I am not a huge fan of breakfast food.  I really have to be in a certain mood in order to eat scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and all that nonsense.  I prefer quick and light things.  So here is a list of my favorite breakfast foods and why they're so good...
Kashi GoLean bars
These bars have around 190 calories, 10 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fiber.  They are really dense and taste pretty good.  All the protein in it really keeps you full.

Cascadian Farms Granola
They have so many different flavors!  Granola can be pretty high in calories, but just throw a little bit in some low fat yogurt and you have a healthy little breakfast.  

FiberOne Bars
It's kind of weird, but I have loved these things since I was in high school.  They seriously taste like a candy bar!  Their only downfall is that you will literally pass gas all day long...too much?? Sorry.  They are super good for your digestive system, though.

Kellogg's Fiber Plus with Antioxidants
These are really similar to the FiberOne bars (same calories and fiber content), but I actually think they taste better.  These also come in several different flavors.  They don't seem to kick you in the butt as bad as the FiberOne bars do.  

Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Cereal
This is the best cereal I have ever had.  My daddy really likes it, too.  He is a cereal critic.  I haven't had the cheerio look-a-likes, but the flake variety is perfectly sweet and crunchy.  I hate soggy cereal.

April 8, 2012

You can't wipe the grin from my face.

I feel like I need to take a few minutes and just gush about how absolutely wonderful and perfect my life is right now.  I don't remember ever feeling quite this happy.  To begin, I will be graduating from college with a BS in biology on May 4th!!!  I have awaited this day for so long.

Second, my boyfriend got the date that he will be leaving for basic training.  He's shipping out on October 16th to Fort Leonard Wood, which will only be about 5 hours away from me when I am in school in Memphis.  Not only will he go to basic there, but he will be stationed there as well.  He is super excited about this, which means I am excited, too.  He can't wait to blow up stuff (that will pretty much be his job).

Today was also Easter.  I love Easter for so many reasons.  I love the story of Christ's sacrifice on the cross for us.  I don't think there is a more beautiful or perfect story ever written.  And the wonderful thing about this story is that it wasn't just written.  It actually happened!!  We are healed by the wounds of our Savior.  It doesn't get much better than that.
I also love the tradition of getting dressed up on Easter Sunday and taking lots of pictures with my family. In fact, that's where all of the pictures on this post came from.

I could honestly go on for paragraphs about all of the wonderful things that have been going on in my life lately...but I won't do that.  I just wanted to shout to the world (or my 2-3 blog readers) that I am happy happy happy.  I hope you're happy, too.
The family

The handsome boyfriend

Mama and Daddy with 2 out of 3 of their favorite children.
Scrappy wasn't photographed.

My soon-to-be soldier