
September 2, 2012

The Beginning

I've made it through my first week in Memphis!  School starts in only 2 days.  I can't decide if I'm excited or scared to death (I guess it's a mixture of both) but I am definitely ready to get started.  Today I attended the Island Community Church only 3 miles from my apartment.  I had no idea what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised.  There were about 100 people in attendance, the music was excellent and uplifting, the message was extremely relevant, and I met a few new people that will also be attending SCO.  I am planning on attending ICC every Sunday and hopefully even get involved in their music ministry at some point.  I am even hoping to get an electric piano in my apartment so that I can continue playing the piano.  I am so scared that I'm going to forget how to play!  
So far, everything is really looking good.  I know that the next four years are going to be the toughest yet, but I am ready.  With good Christian friends and a church here that I feel will support me and eventually feel like family, I know that I can do this.  

"The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again

Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes."

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